The Southern Democrat
Blountsville, Alabama
Apr 19, 1917
Dick Stevens killed by A. G. Vaughn
A foul murder was committed Sunday just beyond Summit near the Marshall county line in which Dick Stevens lost his life. The Gadsden Times-News gives the following account of killing:
"During a drinking bout at Red Hill, in Marshall county, Sunday A. G. Vaughn shot and killed Dick Stevens. It is said that several men were playing cards and that they had plenty of whiskey. Several of them were drunk and while in this condition Stevens and Eck Vaughn, father of the boy who did the shooting, fell out over something in connection with a game of cards. Stevens, it is said, seized a jug full of whiskey and struck Eck Vaughn on the head, knocking him unconscious. Thinking that his father had been killed A. G. Vaughn pulled a pistol from his pocket, fired at close range and killed Stevens instantly.
While whiskey and cards were the cause of this Sunday tragedy, it is said that the sympathy of he community is with young Vaughn, who is only about 22 years old."Gadsden Times-News.
It is said that the difficulty started in Blount county but the actual kiilling occurred about ten feet over the line in Marshall. Young Vaughn has been arrested and lodged in jail at Guntersville.